Thursday 8 March 2012

Being Single When Your Friends Aren’t

Being single
can suck–especially when your girls are all coupled up and busy on most Friday nights.

It’s not that you don’t love your besties anymore or anything. I mean, you still speak in inside jokes, share outfits, enjoy the same TV shows and hate the same reality stars. But when your fave sidekick is in love and you’re not, that bond can feel like it’s starting to weaken.

Yeah, you never noticed how odd it was to be the odd woman out until you were “it!”

Here’s how to deal when everyone’s facebook status is set to “Lovey Dovey;” except yours:

DO treat being single like a gift.
You won’t be single forever but sometimes it does feel like it, right? So what? Stop buying into some bogus idea that your life is incomplete if you’re not in a relationship.

You know who completes you? YOU do! This is the perfect time to finally learn guitar or rock out to that new boxing game. And you know what? All those interests and skills and activities are going to make you more attractive to the right person when they do come along!

DON’T lock yourself in your room.
We’ve all been there. When you’re the odd one out you can feel like the fifth wheel on a car, madly unnecessary. And worst of all, if your friends invite you to join them you wonder if you’re just a charity case.

Bump that! Life is meant to be lived. Get out and enjoy yourself.

DO be honest if you’re feeling ignored.
Until now, you spent every single waking moment together and neither language class nor Earth Science could tear your friendship asunder. Now, suddenly it’s like your BFF is practically shacked up with this dude. He’s the one who gets all of her funny phone calls, texts and witty FB messages. And when she does call you, it’s to talk about her relationship.

You miss your best friend! That’s natural. Let her know that you understand that things are different, but you still wanna hang like old times. She’ll appreciate the honesty as long as you don’t come off as too demanding.

DON’T bitch and whine about being single.
“Woe is me. I’m all alone. Wahhhhhhh.” Sound familiar? If you’re singing a daily sad song about how much it sucks to be you, guess what? Everyone will believe you and no one will want to be around you.

Do you want to spend time with a miserable whiner? Nope? Well no one else does either. You woke up this morning. You are gorgeous and special. It’s awesome to be you. Remember that. Here are some more tips on how to keep it together when you’re down.

DON’T try to sabotage your friends’ relationships.
Don’t be that girl. This requires no further explanation.

DO let friends know you’re open to meeting new people.
If you’re open to being fixed up, say so. If you just wanna make new friends, make that known too. If you’re tired of everyone throwing random dudes in your face when you are loving being single, speak up. Whatever the BFF problem, the name of the game is communication.

Appreciate the fact that your friends are happy and jump into your own fabulously single life with both feet.

Have you been single for a while, or are you newly single? Tell us in the comments!

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